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About the study
Thanks for taking part! The study was about how we remember words that have different amounts of information. Information in this context means something quite specific, but roughly, it relates to the frequency of words: rare words like ocelot are generally more informative than more common words like cat. The list of words we gave you had mixed up rare and common words in a particular way, either by mixing them throughout the list or clumping them all at the begining or end. We're looking to see how the rarity of words and the order in which they're presented can help (or hinder!) how well people can process and recall them.
If you're curious to learn more about this line of work, check out the CAIL Project website or contact the researchers.
Thanks for your time and have a nice day!
Welcome to the Memory Study
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This is a study on memory conducted by Salsabila Fadhilah, Christine Cuskley and Joel Wallenberg at Newcastle University. You will recieve $4 for your participation when you've completed the HIT..
This is a volunteer version of the experiment. If you've reached this page from Mechanical Turk, there's been an error. Contact the requester before attempting the task.
First we will ask you for some general information about yourself. Then, we will ask you to remember some words and tell us how well you recall them. Your answers will be recorded for the research, but will not be identifiable to you personally.
Please click here to read more detailed information, which you can download as a PDF and keep for your records.
Clicking the "Agree" box below indicates that:
You agree that your anonymised data may be kept permanently in the LEVA Group archives at Newcastle University and may be used by qualified researchers for teaching and research purposes.
You agree that your anonymised data may be made publicly available for general use, e.g., released as part of scholarly publication.
You voluntarily agree to participate and can stop or withdraw at any time without penalty.
About you
Before we get started with the task, we have a few basic questions about you. Once these are done you'll recieve more specific instructions about the task.
We'll start by making sure you aren't a bot or a script.
Follow the instructions below carefully so we can make sure you aren't a robot.
- Copy the last two words of this sentence into the box below, and add an exclamation point at the end for style
- Move the slider all the way to here or there - it doesn't matter which one
Clever human! Please answer the questions below
I don't mean to be rude, but you don't seem human. Sorry, you can't do this HIT.
How old are you?
What is your gender?
Tell us a bit about your English
Do you know any languages other than English?
Memory task instructions
Welcome to the study and thanks for agreeing to take part! The study will take place in three parts:
- First, you'll see a list of words shown on screen. Try to remember them.
- Second, you'll watch a short video to have a break.
- Finally, we'll show you another list of words, and you'll decide whether you saw them in the first list (or not) and tell us how sure you are about your decision.
We'll explain the decisions in more detail after you have a break. We'll start by showing you a demo of how you will see the words you will be asked to remember.
Ready for the real thing?
The real list will be longer, and will be a list of unrelated words instead of a sentence. Otherwise, it will be the same: focus on the cross in the centre of the screen to see each word.
Ready to start?
Before the next part, please take a short break by watching the video below.
When it's over, click 'Next' below.
What can you remember?
As the last part of the experiment, we want to know what you remember about the words you saw in the first part.
On the next page there's a long list of words - some of them are words you just saw in the first part of the experiment, and some of them aren't. For each word, we want to know if you think you saw it (Yes or No), and how confident you are about your answer (Not at all, Sort of, or Very confident).
Once you've told us whether you think you've seen a word, and let us know how confident you are about your decision, the word will dissappear. Once you've done all the words you'll be finished. Your progress will show at the top
Ready? Click 'Start' below to begin the final part.
Mark whether you think you saw each word in the list. Once you've clicked yes or no, rate how confident you were. Your progress will show here.
Did you see it?
How sure are you?
All done!
Thanks for your help!
Click here to find out more about the study. To finish the HIT, copy and paste the code below into Mechanical Turk.
The code above means there was a problem with recording your responses, but this won't affect your payment. Paste this code into MTurk and it will help us to fix the bug. You will still be compensated for the HIT.